Thursday 21 November 2013

Recipe: creamed leek and potato broth

For the broth

Two leeks cleaned plus one more for finishing the soup
Two medium potatoes peeled and chopped small
One onion
Three carrots peeled
Three sticks of celery
Two rashes smoked bacon
125g butter
Two litres of homemade vegetable stock
500ml double cream
Salt, pepper


Chop the leeks, potatoes, celery, onion, carrot and bacon into 1cm cubes.
Melt the butter in a large pan
Add the leeks, potatoes, celery, onion, carrot and bacon
Cook slowly, stir until the potatoes are nearly cooked, be careful not to burn at this stage
Add the vegetable stock, bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes
Blend the soup until rustic and return to the heat
Add the last leek, ensure this is chopped small, simmer for a further 5 minutes
Add the cream, season and bring back to the boil.
Serve and enjoy with a farmhouse bread, gnocchi or suet dumplings.

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