Wednesday 29 April 2015

Recipe: Herb marinated lamb leg steak, aromatic tomato Quinoa, chargrilled aubergine, roast garlic, and Kale crisps

For the lamb
Marinate the lamb chop steaks in olive oil, thyme, rosemary, garlic and cover, the lamb is best left to marinade in a fridge overnight.
For the tomato base sauce
Firstly make the tomato sauce, Chop one clove of garlic and add it to the chopped tomatoes, pour into a pan, add 1 clove, half a star anise, six leaves of fresh basil.
Bring the mix to the boil and remove from heat, check the seasoning, blitz the sauce and set to one side.
For the Quinoa
Quinoa can be prepared much like rice. It should usually be rinsed or soaked before use to remove its bitter coating, the cooked germ should have a slight bite to it (al dente).
175g quinoa, rinsed and drained
475ml chicken stock
Half of the tomato sauce that you made earlier
Salt and pepper to taste
Bring the quinoa and chicken stock to the boil in a saucepan; cover, reduce heat to low and simmer until the moisture is completely absorbed, about 15 minutes. Add the tomato sauce and set to one side.
For the garlic
Split the garlic in half, rub with salt, chopped rosemary and oven bake until cooked
For the aubergine
Slice them along the length and rub with olive oil, season with sea salt and pulled thyme.
Heat and chargrill or griddle pans until red hot, chargrill the aubergines on both sides until tender. Once cooked keep them hot.
For the lamb
In the same griddle pan cook the lamb, season as you go.
Cook the lamb pink and remove from the pan, at this point be sure to allow the lamb to rest.

To serve
ensure everything is hot, place the Quinoa on the service dish, add the chargrilled aubergine, slice the lamb and add it to the plate, deep fry some Kale, season and add to the dish, finish with the left over tomato sauce and the roast garlic

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