Saturday, 17 October 2015

Recipe: Chorizo Hash, Fried egg


Smoked paprika
Vintage cherry tomato
Micro herbs, to include basil
Bread crumbs
Olive oil


Boil the potatoes in salt water until cooked
Bake the chorizo in the oven, once cooked drain off the oil and keep for later
Once the potatoes are cooked, mash them, season, chop the chorizo and add along with the micro basil
Form the potato cakes in required shape and bread crumb them
Take some mayonnaise and add the chorizo oil along with a spoon of the smoked paprika, place to one side
Peel and de-stone the avocado, season and add a little olive oil, blitz until smooth
Fry the potato cakes and finish in the oven until hot
Fry the egg, once cooked cut out so it is the same size as the the top of the chorizo hash
To serve swipe the avocado on to the plate along with the paprika mayonnaise
Cut the tomato, season and add to the dish
Place on the chorizo hash and top with the egg
Finish with dressed and seasoned micro leaves

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