Sunday 24 July 2016

Recipe: Tournado of Duke of northumberland venison & pigeon Heritage potato & organic beetroot rosti With cherry reduction



2 8oz venison sirloins                         

4        pigeon breasts                                      

1kg    heritage potatoes                                  

2       organic beetroot                                    

100g fresh cherries                                         

200ml veal stock                                            

12 shallots                                                      

100g carrots                                                   

3 sprigs thyme                                                

200ml red wine                                              

Salt & pepper

250g Butter                                                    

Olive oil for cooking                                      


Flatten venison steaks

Seal pigeon breasts

Place pigeons on top of venison

Roll in cling film set aside in fridge

Grate potatoes & beetroot season

Heat pan add little oil the add potatoes & beetroot mix place 50g knob of butter on top & turn down heat and cook slowly till butter has melted then turn over & finish

Peel shallots and carrots

Heat pan & fry shallots, carrots, thyme & cherries add red wine reduce by half

Heat pan add little oil & 25g of butter once foaming add tournado and cook to medium rare allow to rest

Once wine has reduced by half add veal stock & reduce till correct consistency is achieved then season to taste



Place rosti in middle of the plate

Slice tornado in half & place on top

Drizzle cherry reduction around plate

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